Blocks on the Brenner Pass

The cases

“Unatras” urges government intervention.

The national union of road transport associations “Unatras” has called on the Italian Government to intervene to help solve the situation of the blocks on the Brenner Pass, which prevents the regular circulation for truck drivers, and damage the entire Italian economy.

In fact, from last February the truck drivers entering Austria and Germany through the Brenner Pass must show a negative Covid-19 antigenic swab certificate. We talked about in this article.

Unatras recognizes the urgency of this moment of health emergency and the consequent restrictions introduced by the Austrian and German Governments, but it cannot fail to underline the hard situation regarding the border controls at the Brenner Pass, which is causing difficulties in the transport sector. The president of Unatras points out that the restrictions of free circulation slow down the transit of goods and the supply of necessity goods, compromising the entire production system and Italian exports. In the current emergency context, this problem should not be underestimated and requires immediate government intervention.