Driving licence: 80% voucher to young drivers 


Contributions for the achievement of the Driver Qualification Card (CQC) are expected also in 2023, as part of professional retraining of the workers in the road transport sector.

In particular, the national association ANITA communicated that the criteria and procedures for granting the “Driving license Bonus” have been defined by the Governament as part of the Program for Young Drivers. 

The Program supports the training of new drivers in the road haulage sector through benefits to partly cover the costs necessary to obtain Driver qualification and Heavy Goods Vehicle license. 

It is expected to run until December 31st 2026. The government has allocated 5.4 million per year from 2023 to 2026 in order to fund the vouchers. The project aims to retrain new employees, allocating important resources to hire new truck drivers, as well as to limit the problem of the truck driver shortage. The voucher is equal to 80% of the cost of obtaining a Heavy Goods Vehicle license and covers up to €2,500 euros. It is available to Italian and European citizens under 35 years old for the purpose of obtaining the licenses and professional qualifications for driving vehicles intended for the exercise of the road transport. 

It can only be requested electronically through the “Driving license Bonus” platform, accessible after authentication or from the MIMS (Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility) website. The voucher can be used only in driving schools or authorized entities. The beneficiaries have to obtain the driving license within 18 months from the voucher activation.