A4 Venice-Trieste motorway. New parking areas for heavy vehicles.


The call for tenders to assign the works of new parking areas for heavy vehicles along Fratta North and Fratta South service areas has been launched.

The construction of 161 rest areas for heavy vehicles, refrigerators, and campers is expected. 

The Commissioner for Mobility Emergency concerning the A4 Venice-Trieste motorway has in fact opened the tendering procedures. The works - financed by the Autovie Venete own funds - are necessary to improve road safety and parking areas for heavy vehicles. Safe rest areas are important to reduce risks due to irregular parking. 

In particular, the construction of 99 areas for heavy vehicles and 8 areas for campers, as well as 11 parking spaces for buses is planned in the Fratta North service area. While, the Fratta South service area will host 48 areas for heavy vehicles, 6 areas for campers and 7 parking spaces for buses. In addition to the new parking areas for heavy vehicles, there will also be created spaces for refrigerated vehicles and for damaged trucks, as well as toilets, showers, refreshment points, self-service laundries, and an emergency access. Both areas will be equipped with a video surveillance system including cameras for an efficient monitoring on parking spaces. 

The deadline for submission of tenders is Tuesday the 22nd of November at 12pm. For more information visit thededicated website by Autovie Venete.