Exceptional transport by sea from Genova to the USA


Exceptional transports are the order of the day for Gianesini.

Not all transports have standard characteristics and we often have to deliver particular or over-size materials. 

We recently handled a heavy and over-size load - which left Genova on March 30th and is currently traveling to the United States - containing industrial components and consisting of three large boxes: 367 x 240 x 304H, 387 x 236 x 304H and 382 x 236 x 304H, with a weight of 3290 Kg, 3710 Kg and 3838 Kg, respectively. 

In particular, we arranged the exceptional transport from the Lodi warehouse, where the goods have been packed, to the Genova warehouse where we carried out the lashing operations on the flat rack container ensuring the protection and preservation of the products. It was then transferred to the terminal for boarding at the port of Genova with destination Norfolk, USA. Once we get there, we provided the disembarking of the load, the relative unloading operations, and loading operations on truck for exceptional transport to proceed with the delivery. 

A very careful choice of the suppliers to be involved, from the shipping company to the optimal route, as well as the customs operations carried out according to quality and safety standards are essential to successfully conclude our transport operation.